$500.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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Heal and Restore your health with less medications without giving up your job

Join our less-meds momentum.

What you'll get:

  • Training of the brain and the central nervous system to reverse physical symptoms and heal painful emotions. 
  • Establishment of a limitless self identity to overcome years of conditioning and to bring  healing, spontaneous joy and success to life experiences.
  • Rewire your brain by harnessing the  power of neuroplasticity  to overcome pain,  fear and suffering and build resilience that transform health.

Extra bonuses to accelerate your road to recovery and well being.

✅  Bonus #1 Weekly group feedback calls where all your questions will be answered so you can make quick and lasting progress.


✅ Bonus #2 A free weight management program. Learn how to achieve and maintain a healthy weight complete with meal plans. This program will help you determine your recommended healthy weight range for your height, lose weight and reverse obesity related health problems.


✅ Bonus # 3.  A 3 minute unique perfect calming meditation to help you enjoy restful sleep anytime of day or night.


✅ Bonus # 4. A quick Panic relief strategy that works in minutes regardless of the cause of panic so that you can stop avoiding certain life situations


✅  Bonus # 5. Accountability community access that ensures you don't quit until you see results.


✅  Bonus #6. Free Mind is medicine app to continue utilizing the provided resources Anytime, Anywhere.


✅ Bonus #7. Discounted monthly coaching including access to new content, biweekly coaching calls after the challenge and the exclusive community to hold you accountable and create long term results.


✅  Bonus #8. Access to specific frequencies healing music known to alter brain waves and enhance a healing environment.